Wednesday, October 28, 2009

It's alive!!

We made our bread today for the annual ABS harvest celebration tomorrow. It was so much fun measuring ingredients and watching the bread machine mix them all together. At one point Isaac checked to see how everything was progressing and came back to exclaim that it looked like a brain! From that point on we called our bread "brain bread". We sure hope that more of our friends are back in school tomorrow to share our "brain bread" with us.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

8 + 2 = 10 children in the class today!

We were happy to have Annabel and Maggie back in action today. After our Tuesday temperature, tally & time we created number sentences this morning for the number 8 using our odd and even pieces. We were quite surprised by all the various ways we could show 8. Here are some of our favorite number sentences:
5 + 3 = 8
4 + 4 = 8
8 + 0 = 8
3 + 2 + 3 = 8
2 + 2 + 2 + 2 = 8
3 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 8

Monday, October 26, 2009

Where is everyone?

Well we know where you are not . . . at school! We have a whopping 8 students in our classroom today. At first we were all very excited because everyone got on a computer without having to wait. But then we all sat down for morning meeting and what a tiny circle we had! We miss you all very much and look forward to your return to the classroom. Get better soon:)

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Andy Newell visits ABS

Andy Newell, the top ranked U.S. Olympic Nordic skier came and spoke to the Allen Brook students on Monday afternoon in celebration of our P.E. departments year long study of the 2010 Olympics. He has been cross-country skiing since he was five years old, and went to the Winter Olympics four years ago in Italy. He is training to go the the next Olympics, which will be in Vancouver, British Columbia. Andy grew up in southern Vermont!
Here is a link to Andy's official website:

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Mt. Philo

Possibly one of the best field trips that I have ever taken a class on in 20 years! Everyone pushed their limits in one way or another and we all had a fabulous time together. Many thanks to the parents who joined us and helped to make the day a memorable one for the entire house.

Kiva Share

Every Friday the entire Vista House meets in the Kiva to share completed work and sing a few songs. The children always enjoy this time together and find the nicest things to say to one another about the projects, stories, experiments, and art that are shared. The 1st graders are in awe of the older children's work and have bravely descended into the Kiva to share their own humble beginnings. I feel like a mother bird with fledglings!